
A Positive Encounter with the Mind

There is nothing one fears more than his own mind.

Your complete attention to any thought brings reality to it.

The mind is never without any thoughts............it is your fear associated with the thought that makes the Divine Self within you appear silent.

It is desire that makes one enslaved to the dictates of the mind.

The more you fear thoughts the more you shall become entangled in their delusions.

To overcome fear one has to concentrate on what is right.

The concentration on attempting to do what is right shall bring within the courage of goodness.

The one that attempts to be good yet at the same time wishes to derive profits from his act of goodness...... such a one is lead at first by his efforts to be good and then the urge of his desire makes him dive into the well of greater fears.

 If you chase your fears with all your might ..........naturally you are going to make them come true.

If your child blabbered all day you would not fear him............you would stop you work in order to listen to him all day................you would learn to tune him in or tune him out at the appropriate times...........In the same way the mind has its job to think..........and it is your job to see when to turn toward it and when to tune it out............

As long as you are able to witness a thought you shall be free from worry.............. It is when you give complete understanding to a thought and become the thought that you shall contain and reflect its misery.

Yes! You have to think to do what you must...........but then again you have to remember that each thought has to be positive............ Nothing must be done in a spirit of negativity!
